October is the harvest season. Soon the restaurants will be filled with pumpkin-spice flavored beverages of all kinds. Months of work for farmers and gardeners are finally paying off with all kinds of delicious fruits and vegetables. Growing plants takes a lot of work and care.

In the same way, our spiritual life requires much care and nurturing. Just as the largest plant begins with a tiny seed, our spiritual growth begins with small seeds planted in our life by the Holy Spirit. The seeds of faith may be sown by loving parents, faithful teachers, pastors, and friends. The Holy Spirit works within us before we even realize, drawing us into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

But God is not content to simply save us from our sin! God continues to work within us, bringing those seeds of faith into maturity. As we grow in our faith, we begin to look more and more like the One in whose image we are created. We have a word for this process of growth - “sanctification.” Sanctification is a life-long process. Our faith is nurtured by our time spent with our fellow Christians, prayer, worship, communion, and bible study. As our faith grows, our lives become fertile ground for the Spirit to produce a bountiful harvest of fruit.

My prayer for you is that God will continue to work within you so that you may grow more deeply in your love for God and for people, and that your life will produce an abundant harvest for the Kingdom of God.

Rev. Perucy N. Butiku

Coverage Pastor

Regular Schedule


  • Sunday School
    – 10:00 AM
  • Worship
    – 10:15 AM
  • Coffee Hour
    – 11:15 AM
  October 2024  
Verse of the Day

Contact Us

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
2332 Grand Avenue
Baldwin, New York 11510
Phone (516) 223-1951