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Sunday School


Every Sunday at 10 am from September to June - for kids 3 years old to fifth grade.

Get the kids on board ANY Sunday  - there's a new Bible lesson every week. 

Our Sunday School program is Bible-based, pedagogically sound, nurturing, caring & child-based. Our teachers are dedicated to teaching & sharing the Gospel message every week in a welcoming & caring environment.  

Weekly lessons teach Bible stories using a combination of educational methods incorporating crafts, music, drama, role-playing, reading & storytelling to portray the underlying message of the Gospel which is the good news that Jesus loves us & saves us.

The 10 am class time gives parents or grandparents the option to attend worship while the kids learn about God’s love in a kid-friendly social setting.

Children join the service to receive God’s blessing - then everyone heads to the gym for in-person socialization at adult coffee hour/kids snack ‘n play.

If you have any questions, please call or text Deacon Angela Rios at 917.566.5874.