St. Peter’s is very excited to once again offer Vacation Bible School to our community’s young learners - ages 3 to 12. August 19-23 from 8:30 am to 12 noon.
Summer 2024 will find us Celebrating the Savior and the joy that Jesus gives us!
Each day will focus on a Bible story and scripture verse relating to the overall theme of “Celebrate the Savior." Through storytelling, skits, song, games and crafts, each day’s message will provide Bible learning in fun and exciting ways.
We will have colorful and artfully-decorated activity stations throughout the building where the kids, in their age-appropriate groups, will journey to each station enjoying the full experience of the day’s theme.
The Pre-K children will enjoy their activities in their classroom and will not journey from station to station. Outdoor activities will take place in the enclosed playground.
Kindergarten and older will enjoy their activities at the various stations. Outdoor activities will take place in the parking lot with the driveways sealed off. Themed snacks will be provided each day of the program.
We are asking a $25 donation per child to help cover the cost of supplies and snack. Payment information is on the registration form.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Deacon Angela Rios - Church Council Chair for Christian Education - / 917-566-5874